About 2 miles from my home is a rather odd path up a hill
with no name. There’s a grand view from the top. Locals refer to this path as The Tank Tracks. This is a
reference to the fact that it was created and graded by the army during the
second world war.
The path runs for one kilometre in a mostly straight line up an even sloped hill. The grading is largely crumbled away now but most of the path is still firm all year round and this makes it the easiest local path by which to ascend to the ridge of the South Downs.
The path runs for one kilometre in a mostly straight line up an even sloped hill. The grading is largely crumbled away now but most of the path is still firm all year round and this makes it the easiest local path by which to ascend to the ridge of the South Downs.
Two views from almost the same spot taken 66 years apart.
Perhaps it is the quirky name, or possibly its ease of use but this path has become an attraction for runners near and far.
Local running groups meet at the bottom or jog out from the nearby
villages of Hassocks, Keymer and Ditchling and use it for a lung-busting hill
climb. The route is especially popular with the local group "We Run! Hassocks" and
many local runners have experienced their first proper hill run here.
It can take a novice 10 to 15 minutes to climb the 130
vertical meters from the gate at the bottom to the signpost at the top. Elite
runners have been attracted to the route as well; the current record of 5
minutes and 6 seconds is held by Maximilian Nicholls from Tonbridge Athletics
Club who also holds Strava records for climbing Snowdon!
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Before I took up hill running I used to stand on the
platform at Hassocks Station and look up at the local hills and think “I should
be able to run up there”. You can see the line taken by the Tank Tracks from
the platform. So I took up running and sure enough after a few weeks I
was running up there. And I have been running up there for 12 years now and
I’ve probably run this path over 100 times since then. It was particularly
useful in the winters of 2008 and 2011 when I was training for the
3 Peaks Fell
Run as it allowed me to build up my stamina for mountain running no matter what
the state of the countryside. I put down a respectable PB of 7:10 back then.
There are nicer paths by which to reach the South
Downs Way, and there are certainly harder ones; the best is probably the path
from Clayton Rec to Jack and Jill Windmills, and the hardest is probably the
direct route up Ditchling Beacon from the lower car park. However the great appeal of the Tank Tracks is its
reliability in all seasons. I’ve run up there in deep snow, in the dark, in
torrential rain and in a howling gale and I’ve never had a trip or fall. This means that it can be used as a marker of how fit you
are. Run up the path as fast as you can and compare it to your best, or your
worst, or your average. Many folks are not the least bit concerned by such
things and that is fine, but I often am. When considering a target time for a
hilly race I will always have a run up the Tank Tracks to judge how strong I
I have lost count of the number of times that friends have
exclaimed about the wonderful view from the top of the hill by the signpost. You can see for 40 miles in most directions on a good day. It
reveals just how wonderful our local countryside is, and it’s only 2 miles from
I am certainly not one of the fastest up the Tank Tracks. In
fact I am nearly 2 minutes slower than the record holder. But I might have one claim to Tank Tracks fame; I think I might be the only person to have run
it twelve times in one morning, and I am sure that I’m the only one to have
done this on a zero carb diet..
And lastly, having mentioned the diet, I am very pleased to
say that last week I beat my PB on the Tank Tracks; for good measure I did it
on another local hill as well this week.
Lots of fitness experts suggest
that it is not possible to perform at your best in short distance threshold
training or racing when burning fat rather than carbs. I like to
think when it comes to 2nd rate runners like myself, I may have proved them