I have been a subscriber to Runner’s World for about 12
years now. Over the years it has provided much-needed advice and motivation, a little monthly
run-envy and the occasional journalistic howler. Lately the howlers
have started to become louder and a little more grating, to the point where my
wife, a successful fitness business owner, now regularly asks why we bother
with our subscription. My answer is that I care what the running world
looks like, even if I don't always agree with it.
So many promises |
After a first scan of the article, which reads a lot like
like a sales piece for Gatorade, I thought “I wonder who pays his wages”;
but then I saw that actually the article was really just being all things to
all people. It rambled around the usual sugar debates and concluded by saying
“Don’t worry about sugar, you need it, but you are a runner and you will burn
it off”. Typical stuff, but 6 pages, really?
Unsurprisingly Matt’s article promised to “cut through
the hype with a set of Science-Backed Sugar Rules”. I am always intrigued by
the term science-backed, particularly in Runners World where the studies quoted
are often ridiculously out of tune with the conclusions drawn by scatterbrain
journalists. But Matt is chock-full of experience, surely we can expect some
hard truths from a top guy like him. Sadly not.
There was a hollow criticism of Gary Taubes (the
author of The Case Against Sugar) for "not being a scientist". It would be
childish in the extreme of anyone to read this article and simply conclude that Mr Taubes is not qualified to
speak on the matter. Character assassination is an ugly thing and Matt seems to
have joined the happy brigade who attempt to gain kudos for slagging off other
Then suddenly the RW article was tempered with
recognition that overeating sugar can actually lead to insulin sensitivity and
type 2 diabetes - the precise point that Taubes et al. are trying to
make. There was criticism of certain diets but a recognition that
we need to watch what we eat – most people call that dieting. Mostly
though there was the ever present implication that what is good for elite
runners should be good for the rest of us.
The readers of Runners World are not elite athletes. If a
bunch of elite Kenyans eat 20% of their energy from sugar this should not be
used to justify the mass-marketing and magazine articles like this that tell
the average runner that they should power every training effort and race with
gels, PowerAde and carb-loaded snacks. The article did not mention the effect
of this marketing on children, who most certainly do not need to consume sugar
to power their sport and yet our schools and leisure centres are subsidised by
selling energy drinks to kids.
Matt then asks “If the best runners in on earth are
amongst the heaviest sugar consumers then can it be so bad?” The simple
answer is Yes. The best runners in the world will be burning off this sugar on
their morning run. The rest of us will not. This ‘Kenyan paradox’ is hardly
surprising, but Fitzgarald’s conclusion “They ate fewer calories than they
burned” is simplistic. Maybe they ate less than they burned because there was a
very real chance that by doing so they might become rich. Did the researchers
ask how much time they spent feeling hungry? This is not a reasonable guideline
for normal runners or the public in general. The best way to eat less
than you burn is to control your hunger. Traditional diets fail at this point;
eating carbohydrate based diets does not allow you to control hunger unless you
are very highly motivated – an elite runner perhaps. Eating a fat-based diet is
crucially different here. People who eat a lower percentage of carbohydrates
and a higher percentage of natural fats feel hungry less often and hence
consume less. This is why LCHF diets consistently out-perform high carb diets
in randomised controlled trials. And this is how intermittent fasting works, your body
gets used to fuelling on fat and you do not feel hungry so often.
It should also be mentioned that type 2 diabetes does not
normally develop quickly. Insulin resistance grows over decades and the more
insulin you have to make the more resistance you are likely to develop. Has
anyone measured the incidence of type 2 diabetes in retired Kenyan runners? I
doubt it, as we are only interested in how they run so fast. Steve Redgrave may
have developed hereditary type 2 diabetes, or it may be the result of consuming
very high amounts of carbohydrates over a long and illustrious sporting career.
"Don’t worry about fructose says" Matt. The
Harvard study he refers to concludes that eating certain whole fruits can be
better for preventing weight gain than some vegetables; he doesn’t mention
which fruits. The answer is blueberries and apples, but the implication and
matts Rule #1 (Don’t worry about natural sugars) is that fructose is therefore
good for you. The study does not say this. Bad use of science Matt!
Most people don’t know the difference between fructose and sucrose and
they don’t know the difference between whole fruit and fruit juice; they gorge
on orange juice or smoothies thinking that they are healthy.
Matt says “eat refined sugar in moderation”. Again this
statement is problematic because most people do not know what it means; they
don’t know what the recommended amounts are, and so what exactly is moderation? For a Runner's World audience fixated by timeings, measurements, performance improvement and
measurability, what does “moderation” mean? Meanwhile every petrol
station, office or shop we go to is bombarding us with sugary temptations and
saying ”let me be the one to supply your moderate amount of sugar today”.
If we want people to understand how low the World health organisation recommendation on daily sugar
intake is, then we need show them. Give them a glossy picture of one large
apple; and make it clear that sugar in general is bad for you.
When you consider that it is not very difficult for
runners to switch to burning fat instead of sugar it is a wonder that Runners
World covers the subject so little – there is a lot of mileage in the subject!
Matt is not right when he says that you will not perform at your very best if you skip sugar; some people will and some won’t. But I would suggest that most runners would be somewhat richer, a lot healthier, rather happier, and would enjoy their running a whole lot more if they were to exchange those few extra seconds from their marathon PB for life of running without sugar. I simply don’t have to think about refuelling when I run a marathon and I finish happier and stronger than anyone I know (well there might be the odd sub-3 exception here!). I am also a little faster at 51 than I was at 45 having recently knocked 6 minutes off my off-road marathon PB.
Matt is not right when he says that you will not perform at your very best if you skip sugar; some people will and some won’t. But I would suggest that most runners would be somewhat richer, a lot healthier, rather happier, and would enjoy their running a whole lot more if they were to exchange those few extra seconds from their marathon PB for life of running without sugar. I simply don’t have to think about refuelling when I run a marathon and I finish happier and stronger than anyone I know (well there might be the odd sub-3 exception here!). I am also a little faster at 51 than I was at 45 having recently knocked 6 minutes off my off-road marathon PB.
Matt also provides an anecdote about Julie Benson and her
difficulties with the No Sugar No Grain diet which left her feeling drained of
energy during her training. This sounds to me like a typical simple case of not
having enough energy; in other circumstances this is known as starving. I could
be wrong here, but I don’t see references to replacing your energy intake with
healthy fats on NSNG diet web sites. Yes it is true that some people do not adapt
to fat burning as well as others but these people are certainly a minority of
the readers of Runners World.
He introduces stress as a performance inhibitor and
suggests that the worry associated with strictly following a formula diet is a
common thing. This can be true. But there is nothing particularly stressful
about a Real Food diet and no reason to worry if you accidentally fall off the
waggon and eat slice of cake. The LCHF waggon is much easier to jump back onto
than most for the simple reason that the food is very tasty! Contrast
that with the constant warnings from sports nutritionists like Matt whose
“Rules” say we MUST replace energy as we run and we MUST follow every run with
the right amount of a mixture of carbs and protein. What if we forget, or get
the mixture wrong? Will all our effort be wasted? Worry, worry, worry!
In fact the “science” behind this post-run recovery advice does
not support this widely held conclusion; it is based on runners performing in a
fasted state, so of course their bodies needed energy and protein after a run.
Most people do not run in a fasted state, do they? And following this
advice is precisely why so many runners put on weight during their marathon
training. Personally I never feel hungry after a 3-hour run (although a creamy
coffee is nice) and I generally recover fast enough to spend the afternoon
gardening and run again the next day should I wish to. No stress there then.
Fitzgerald's declaration that runners fear an insulin spike
after consuming sugar while running is interesting. I have never heard of this
idea before. As far as I am aware most runners have never experienced an
insulin spike and wouldn’t recognise one if it hit them in the head; people who
fear consuming sugar during exercise are generally referring to the sugar that
they will consume in their life and the possibility that it might lead to
long-term weight gain or insulin sensitivity. Yes, consuming sugar delays
fatigue, but teaching your body to burn fat will delay it a lot longer.
Finally the article admits that eating sugar can become
addictive, and that effort is required to overcome the affliction of having a
“sweet tooth” is non-trivial, and may require the assistance of a qualified
nutritionist. Try to square this with the general advice of “eat less and
move more” and you will be left with a head-ache.
![]() |
Eat less more more? |
So much of the advice we read neglects the simple fact
that we are all habit-based creatures. Matt presumably finds it easier than
most people to train hard and eat well because it has become a habit, part of
his lifestyle and there are clear incentives for him to retain these
habits. For most people their lifestyle is far more sedentary and
revolves around a constant stream of temptations to eat badly. Cakes in the
kitchen, sweets in the jar by the door, coffee (and cake) with friends
etc. These habits are hard to break and nutritionists are bonkers if they
think that it is a simple thing to adopt a philosophy of "all things in
moderation" as Matt and so many others suggest. If it were that easy we
would not have an obesity epidemic.
I would prefer to call a spade a spade; use simple
statements. Smoking is bad for you, so avoid it. Drinking alcohol is bad for
you so avoid it. Sugar is bad for you, so avoid it. Un-refined food is good for
you, eat it. I am not saying that that this is easy to do, but
having commonly agreed guidelines would be a good start.
For many it takes a compelling event (such as the doctor
telling them they have heart disease or type 2 diabetes) to force them to
confront the truth and alter their life-long habits. These days we all
seem to want the moon on a stick, but life is harder than that. People should
see LCHF as a way of life, not a dietary fad.
I do not have diabetes or heart disease. My compelling
event came when I read that I could run faster for longer if I changed my diet.
That was three years ago and it worked; my improved health (weight stable and
all blood markers improved) is a rather nice side-effect of my competitiveness!
I have only ever read one article on running on fat in
Runners World. A journalist took up the diet for a few months to see what
effect it would have on her marathon time. She found it hard, but lost weight and did rather well; she then gave it up because she missed beer and pizza ! Desperate to get a sub-four-hour time she introduced carbs back into her diet for the last 3 weeks of training, just as she was reducing her weekly milage she confused her body with un-needed carbs. This was a big mistake and as a result she hit some kind of wall at 16 miles, and despite getting a big PB she was disapointed at missing her target. It's OK to race on carbs, although I have never needed to; but you mustn't undo all that good work by carb-loading.
The benefits of LCHF on running do not come as cheaply as this; over time we adapt to oxidise a steadily higher volume of fat per minute, and our performance improves.Runner's World feeds us with a deluge of expert advice like Matt’s telling us that we will not run like a champion unless we eat like a champion. The science here is desperately poor and generally financed by sports nutrition companies. I know that a lot of RWs advertising income is from big sugar producers like SIS and Lucozade but I would like to see RW place a stronger emphasis on public health, after all most of its readers seem to have taken up running to become more healthy, not to run a sub-2:30 marathon.
PS - 22nd November 2017.
I thought that this article in The Times today was interesting. If you've read this far then so might you.
The benefits of LCHF on running do not come as cheaply as this; over time we adapt to oxidise a steadily higher volume of fat per minute, and our performance improves.Runner's World feeds us with a deluge of expert advice like Matt’s telling us that we will not run like a champion unless we eat like a champion. The science here is desperately poor and generally financed by sports nutrition companies. I know that a lot of RWs advertising income is from big sugar producers like SIS and Lucozade but I would like to see RW place a stronger emphasis on public health, after all most of its readers seem to have taken up running to become more healthy, not to run a sub-2:30 marathon.
PS - 22nd November 2017.
I thought that this article in The Times today was interesting. If you've read this far then so might you.
Thank you for this, as a newish runner and a very new convert to the LCHF diet I googled 'running and LCHF diet' came up with the article you mentioned about the journalist and many more saying, you need sugar (whole grains, fruit etc) to fuel your run. I am wondering how many are actually not doing the +protein and +fat part of the LC equation.
ReplyDeleteAnd the goody bags full of c*** at the end of each event!! Running is not good at promoting a healthy lifestyle all round. (Though I got beef jerky at a recent one which was a nice change.. If you like it!)
I am still fat adapting and very slowly getting back to regular running after a break for a few weeks when I got into ketosis, I am waiting for 'running on fat' to happen with the endless enrgy which you and others speak of.
Hi Tomsmum
DeleteThanks for the feedback.
Yes, goody-bags are a bit of a misnomer!
Take a look at my diary posts form April 2014 for a description of how the first few weeks went for me.
Good luck on your journey!
ReplyDeleteGreat blog post. I came across your blog looking for LCHF information for runners! I'm very early into my LCHF journey but have noticed my running isn't great lately. My decision to make the transistor was increasing weight despite running long distances and diet full of sugar and carbs! Physically I am feeling better and more stable but my running has suffered. I think we need to play the long game when it comes to health. I've spent almost 40 years eating badly so it's going to take time for my brain and body to catch up. Great to have found your blog. It's a shame RW who reach such a large group of mainstream recreational runners are posting such a one sided article.
Hi Jacqueline
ReplyDeleteI agree about the long game. I've been eating this way for over 3 years now, I feel healthier and that's the most important thing.
Good luck with the running!
Hi Malcolm,
ReplyDeleteFound your article by looking for LCHF+Marathon. Very useful indeed, thank you!
I started LCHF 3 weeks ago, joining my wife, and was very disappointed to hit the wall during a 20k run. Had to walk km 15 to 20.
We're following a book with detailed recipes for each day - we both want to lose a little weight (I'm 1.85 metres @ 84kg and would like to weigh 80kg), and I was curious if my long runs would benefit. We're both aware that sugar and fructose are bad for you (saddening to read that Runners World publishes such rubbish - confirms that one should not trust commercial sources too much). I cancelled my subscription to their German Edition because I found the content repetitive.
I love many carb-containing Foods such as potatoes, Pizza, etc. - I'm surprised I've been able to without them for 3 Weeks. We have even been doing without our daily Cappuccino (and I used to have up to eight of those a day). Putting cream into coffee took getting used to. And I positively miss ice cream...
Good point about "moderation" - such statements are really worthless.
Thanks for encouraging me to keep trying...
Keep up the good work!
Hans C.
Thanks for the article, I've worked up to a 60 mile week marathon training, 4 days into lchf, so far Ive slowed down a bit, but I really think itd be stupid to train for a marathon and put on weight from all the sugar, and I'm a sugar addict so hoping this brings some balance to my carb overeating and gets me through 26.2 w/o crashing!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your Marathon. Let us know how you get on.
Hi Malcolm: I am nowhere near the runner that your group is--I've only been at it for about 4 years and not consistently. Finally within the last year I am all in, but approaching 50, well it takes time. I have also within the last month decided to evolve into LCHF particularly because heart disease and diabetes run high in my family history. My weight prior to that was in good order, I already was eating clean in reaction to that history. I just didn't feel the carbs were helpful in terms of how I felt outside of a run. I have to say LCHF took the wind out of me and now 30 days in I am starting to feel better. However, my runs are shorter in duration and slower. At first I couldn't run at all. My runs now are not "easy" as evidenced by my heart monitor. At my level of fitness, perhaps not as strong as your followers to rebound as quickly, how long do you believe it will take me to reach my prior level of fitness let alone surpass it? Thank you for bringing this Blog to the public--it is informative, smart, but friendly. Susan
ReplyDeleteHi Susan.
ReplyDeleteIt normally takes perhaps 3-5 weeks or so for your body to adjust to burning fat instead of carbs and your runs would normally reflect this by being hard at first but improving over time. That length of time is variable however.
I'd suggest that it might be dependent on a number of things; the level and consistency of your prior fitness, your age and the actual reduction in carbohydrate consumption that you have made. If you have not replaced your energy input with healthy fats then there is the potential that you are still relying on a dwindling supply of crbs otr that you are 'starving' yourself. Many people leave out the fat in LCHF! I'm not saying you should be gorging on fat but we do need dietary fat as well as boddy fat.
Time and consistency are the main things. You say that you are evolving into LCHF. In my experience and that of my wife who is a personal trainer working with many clients on the diet the rate at which you adapt your diet will impact on the rate at which things change.
So keep at it, and I hope that your energy levels will continue to improve over time.
Hi Malcolm: To update this post, I just ran a 5K with no carbs that morning and felt great. I gave up my oatmeal for breakfast at the time of my last post and now I am finding my energy again. I will try a 10 K next. The only carbs I eat all day are vegetables and in the evening I do have Newman's Popcorn, unsalted which has one ingredient--the corn. Not sure if this fits into your philosophy, but in the interest of full disclosure that covers my carb consumption. Otherwise, I eat a lot of raw coconut oil throughout my day as well as protein, protein and more protein. The combination fat and protein has really worked out. Thanks again for your advice. I am optimistic that I can adjust my diet as you have suggested. Susan
DeleteAs a follow-up to this post I ought to mention Matt Fitzgerald's blockbuster article "The New Rules Of Carbs For Runners" http://running.competitor.com/2017/04/nutrition/new-rules-carbs-runners_163962
ReplyDeleteMatt confidently disses low carb running by quoting a study in which mountain bikers were fuelled on fat for all of 4 weeks and guess what? Their performance suffered! They had barely started adapting to fat burning. That is not science Matt, it is a complete waste of time.
Matt also wanders far from the science he pretends to adore when he states that the risk of type 2 diabetes relates mainly to the quality of carbs that you consume. This is simply wrong; yes better carbs will increase your blood sugar more slowly but if you are insulin resistant you need to control blood sugar a steady level, not pump your body full of whole-grains. Oh and while I am moaning, since when was fruit a source of high quality carbs? Fructose is the devil in disguise! And dairy - that's low carb isn't it? What a mess!
I couldn't wait for the 4 "New Rules" that were presented at the end:
1) Maintain a carbohydrate-centered diet (i.e., include carb-rich foods in most meals and snacks)
2) Do carb-fasted workouts once or twice a week
3) Choose high-quality food sources of carbohydrate (fruit, starchy vegetables, whole grains, and dairy)
4) Minimize consumption of low-quality carb sources (refined grains and sweets)
Matt promised New Rules. These rules are getting pretty long in the tooth. They are fine for carb-fuelled runners but they are not New.
Matt has a new book to sell. Funny that.
I cancelled my subscription awhile back, every issue seemed to just try to sale more and more shoes and give terrible advice.
ReplyDeleteI hope your knee is doing better.
Hi Seven, thanks for your interest and feedback.
DeleteMy knee is recovering well now and I'm back training quite hard again with no ill effects.